At her low point, Amy found herself homeless and not able to parent her children.
“I had mental health problems my whole life and never took care of myself. It took losing my children and going through total hell to bring me back.”
Amy recognizes that the biggest challenge hasn’t been to stay clean. It has been to take care of her mental health, and to access the tools and support she needs to keep healthy and help her be the parent she wants to be.
“I want people reading this to realize the positiveness that has come out of all the hard work and the counseling. That it is worth it.It’s a great opportunity, but it’s not easy. I’ve worked really hard for years to get where I’m at and rebuild relationships.”
This year, Amy has been participating in family counseling sessions at HopeSparks with her daughter Meygan to help with the reunification of bringing Meygan back into her home. She has battled her demons and made positive strides to put the pieces of her family back together. Three of her four children are back in her care. Amy and the whole family continue to struggle with celebrating how far they have come and the pain of not having their family all together.
Amy has found hope that her last daughter will eventually come home and her family can be whole again.
“I’ve very happy with where we all are right now, and we’re definitely headed in the right direction. We’ve all made progress, I’ve made progress, but it’s not finished.”